CRCT Testing is here! This is my child's 3rd standardized test this year. WHEW! The snack plan I used for the last 2 tests were a big hit so I am basically implementing the same plan. Unlike the other standardize tests, students are NOT allowed to eat a snack during their testing break (I know, just another reason to love the CRCT). My teacher asked if we could still have a snack everyday because the kids were looking forward to it and so I am doing a snack in my class - but I don't think it is necessary. I asked parents to send in breakfast items which I listed below for the teacher to offer the students each morning - this I do recommend!! Often times the children either didn't have time to eat breakfast, were too nervous before school to eat or they did eat and just enjoy the extra boost before testing. I then am sending in my usual snack bags (see below). And I'm sending in an afternoon tas a reward for the students. To see the snack plans I used earlier in the year click
here. To see the CRCT snack plan I used last year click
Breakfast Items - Highly Recommend
Granola Bars
Nutragrain Bars
Mini Bagels
Homemade Granola
*NOTHING with HFCS or food dyes
Snack Bags - These daily snack combinations are all indiv
idually bagged to make it easier for the teacher to distribute
Monday - Pretzel Rods, Carrot Sticks, Grapes
Tuesday - Wheat Thins, Apple Slices & Cheddar Cheese Squares
Wednesday - Clementines & Pretzel Sticks
Thursday - Cheddar Crackers, Grapes and String Cheese
Friday - Pretzel sticks, Cheddar Cheese Squares Carrot Sticks
Daily Snack Treat
Monday - Cookies because each student is "One Smart Cookie"
Tuesday - Smarties since the kids are all "Smartie Pants"
Wednesday - Cookies because each student is "One Smart Cookie"
Thursday - NERDS because nerds are cool!
Friday - Popcorn because that is what the teacher wants to give during the movie:)
I also purchased this plate at Spiritwares for around $13 to give our teacher as a gift. They work so hard for this test and it's ALL in the students' hands. It's a VERY stressful week.
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